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Used Rental Items For Sale

Used Rental Items for Sale

For Information:

Call 661-259-2151 or
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12 Garden Umbrellas – White with Color

Available Colors:
Red/White…………….Only 7 left!
Burgundy/White………Only 1 left!
Blue/White…………..Only 4 left!

$180.00 for all 12 (DOES NOT INCLUDE BASES)

Selling our Wire-Free LED Foundation lights as a set:

– All 12 lights will accept a charge, and work off the battery
– 10 lights working perfectly
– 1 light that works perfectly, but needs a new antenna
– 1 light that doesn’t light by A/C (but does by BAT), and does not have an antenna
– 2 of the original 12 chargers still work, plus we have one they sent as a possible replacement that works, I’m just not 100% sure is shuts off after the battery is charged.
– All lights have the power cords
– 6 DMX cords included

We also have the wireless control panel that we will include.

Price does not include packing and shipping, but we will be happy to arrange that.

$420.00 for the set

2 Misting System Sets (Sold Together)

Each Set Includes:
1- 180K BTU Pump & Controls
1- Garden Hose Adapter
200′ High Pressure 1/8″ Tubing
4- “T” Connectors
13- “T” Nozzels
Misc Additional Parts

95.00 total for both sets

2 Pipe & Drape Combo Carts (Sold Together)

We have 2- 25 Booth Combo Carts from Innovative Systems
Pipe & Drape Cart Info

Will sell both for $700, or trade for 2 Drape Carts