So, you’ve rented the perfect venue for your event and you’re excited to get started with your decorating… until you notice a few imperfections that simply must be handled – immediately. Fortunately, with a little imagination and perhaps a few supplies, you can transform your imperfect venue into a stunning space for your event. Here, we’ve diagnosed some common venue issues you might face. Plus, we’ve provided some flawless solutions to ensure a successful event no matter what you’re dealing with.
The Flooring Is Terrible!
You may have chosen a venue that is the perfect size and in the perfect location for your event. But now, you’re realizing that the flooring is just awful! Don’t worry. Just rent a dance floor and prepare for a great night ahead.
The Chairs Are Ugly
Having ugly chairs is not ideal, but if you find yourself in this situation, you’ve got a couple of options. If the chairs are usable, but just not visually appealing, you can make your own chair covers with fabric or tulle. On the other hand, if the chairs just will not work, you might want to rent chairs instead.
The Wallpaper Is Too Bold
Whether the walls are painted a bright color that clashes with your decor, or they’re covered with outdated wallpaper, you can easily cover them with drapery or use lights to create the ambiance you want for your event.
The Space Is Too Large
If your event does not require a large amount of space, but you’ve got all this extra room, you can use rectangular tables instead of round. Rectangular tables take up more space and can be used in tandem with lounge furniture to create a cozier, more welcoming environment for your guests.
There Are Unsightly Posts and Columns
If your venue boasts posts and columns that just seem to get in the way, you can disguise them with foliage or drapery that complements your decor.
Overall, If you’re unhappy with your venue’s appearance, there’s no problem that can’t be fixed with a little imagination and a few decorations. Don’t stress, and to learn more about how you can transform your venue into the stunning space you desire, contact the experts at A V Party Rentals!