Opening a new business is an exciting milestone, and your grand opening is the culmination of months of hard work. Hosting a successful grand opening is the best way to introduce your neighbors, friends, and community to your business!
Set the Scene
The grand opening is everyone’s first impression of your business, so you want it to look great! Clean any part of the building that your guests will see:
- Sweep and mop the floors
- Clean windows, tables, and other surfaces
- Straighten shelves and other displays
Once you have thoroughly cleaned your new space, you’re ready to add extra details to make a great first impression on your guests. There are several small touches you can add to make your business look its best:
- Cover drab tables with a tablecloth or table runner
- Use attractive glass or plastic dishware
- Add a few candles for an elegant and professional atmosphere
Consider Your Audience
Depending on the nature of your new business, your grand opening guest list can range from a few people who are important to the business to an open invitation to the entire community. If your space is limited and you are expecting a large turnout, consider renting a tent and extra tables to create extra space outdoors for guests to mingle.
Prepare Your Menu
While you don’t need to feed your guests a full meal, it is good form to provide appetizers, desserts, or other concessions to your guests. Although you probably won’t know your exact turnout in advance, do your best to ensure that you have enough food, drinks, and silverware to last throughout the event, as well as a backup plan to get more if needed.
Entertain Your Guests
If you’re opening your event to the entire community, it can be helpful to provide incentives to encourage people to come! Free food, door prizes, and giveaways are always good ideas, and you can even rent a game or two to add some extra excitement.
Contact A V Party Rentals today to learn more about how we can help you kick off your new business with a successful grand opening!